Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What Christmas means to me, my love!

So if anyone besides Amy is wondering why I don't have a Christmas tree it's just because no one would see it since the only people here are my roommate, Kelly, and I and we're barely home. Well I guess that hasn't been the case for me lately seeing as I've been sick and was home way too much, but anyway... But I just didn't feel like getting one- I've had a lot to pay for lately (plane tickets, Sundance tickets, car insurance etc) so I've been watching my spending. It just didn't really seem worth it. But I don't want that to sound sad or depressing or anything! I am all Christmased out at work anyway, with the music and decorations and talk of gifts. It is true that nothing I do here will really feel like Christmas because to me Christmas is...

Watching Scrooged while eating delicious food with the family on Christmas Eve, getting up early in the morning to open presents with everyone before heading to Norwell to celebrate with the rest of the family, sitting by the fire with Katie like I always do, struggling to hear and be heard over all the commotion, laughing at the gag gifts that show up and the mug that gets passed back and forth each year, eating gingerbread people with our names on them and funny outfits like bikinis, taking a walk around the block after dinner and just generally catching up with family.

In a nutshell, that is and always has been Christmas for me. This year I have been invited to a couple of Christmas Eve get togethers and on Christmas day I'm going to the movies with a friend from work! I've never been to the movies on Christmas so it will be a new and fun experience! But it doesn't really matter what I do because it just feels like any other day, any other time of year, not really like Christmas at all. Don't feel bad for me though, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I moved out here. I knew I wouldn't be able to go home during this time of year and I took a chance!

Enough Christmas talk... I am better!!! Well I'm almost completely better, at least I can talk! I'm not really stuffed up anymore and just have a bit of a cough now and then but other than that I'm in the clear! I just have to keep taking care of myself so that I'm 100% healthy for California! So excited!!

Here's something random... I found a list of the most popular baby names of 2009 and I noticed something about the top 5 girls names. They all end in A.

1. Isabella

2. Sophia
3. Emma
4. Olivia
5. Ava

And the boys names, all but #5, end in N.

1. Aiden
2. Ethan
3. Jackson
4. Jayden
5. Jacob

I guess those were the trends in baby names this past year... girls names with an A at the end, and boys names with an N. I like all of the top 5 girl names a lot! I love names that end in A, oddly enough! I really like the name Ethan but other than that I'm not a huge fan of the top 5 boy names. I like the name Jake a lot, but not Jacob. I wonder if people named babies after characters from the Twilight series? Isabella? Jacob? No Edward though... What do you think of the list? Do you know any babies with one of these names?

1 comment:

  1. Now I am sad that you are not with your family for Christmas. As mad as I am at mine your post helped me to remember that I would miss them if they were not here!
