Saturday, December 19, 2009

No talking!

Blogging doesn't require talking and that's why it is the perfect activity for me at the moment! More on that later... Plus I've been meaning to blog all week, but I've just been working and sleeping (I should say trying to sleep seeing as I wake up in the middle of every night to a coughing fit and horribly runny nose) as I try to beat this awful cold!

Back to my opening statement... Yesterday I was finally starting to feel a little better but by the middle of the day I was definitely losing my voice and when I woke up this morning all I could do was whisper! I went to work but was promptly sent home because what am I really going to do if I can't talk? And talking is so exhausting today! Every time I open my mouth I put forth enough effort to yell and barely a peep comes out! I decided to go to the doctor, which is so unlike me, I never go to the doctor as I'm normally a healthy young lady! And while there isn't really anything wrong with me, the doctor's most important instruction... DON'T TALK! He said that my vocal chords are really swollen and red. He also gave me some Nasonex which I have to say with that stupid bumblebee's accent in my head every time I think about it, and told me to gargle warm salt water and take Sudafed twice a day. He did give me a prescription for antibiotics but he told me to wait 24 hours before filling that because he believes what I have is viral so that won't help. I really hope I can kick this thing soon!

I received some more Christmas presents in the mail! I opened them right away and there seems to be a split decision on whether or not that is the right thing to do. Some people think you should wait until Christmas day to open all presents that come in the mail. I would do that if I was at home and I could put everything under the tree to look pretty and then be opened with all the other gifts on December 25th when there's a big celebration. But I don't have a tree and I'm not really doing anything on Christmas and plus I'm IMPATIENT and all alone and sad that I'm not with my family so I will open the presents as they come!!!

I got some ski gloves to go with my ski pants from Grammy and Grampy! They fit great and I love them! They seem really warm and functional, they even have pockets! I also received a funky necklace from Steve and Colin which I built an outfit around just so that I could wear it the day after I got it! I also received a wreath! This was from Steve and Colin as well and it is beautiful! It smells great too! It's from LL Bean and it was made in Maine. I hung it on the wall right as you walk into the apartment and it looks so nice and festive!

That's all I've got for ya today. Hopefully I'll be recovered in the next couple of days because it's sure to be a busy week at work. And I don't want to be sick for my trip!! Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you have a tree?? You can get a little fake one at Walmart for cheap! And then get cute decorations for it...that's what we have...with all the animals a big, real tree is silly (I'd be picking it up off the floor every morning! and I wouldn't need ornaments 'cause all the cats would be in it!). Seriously, why didn't you get one?
