Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Newfields, NH- part 2.

As promised here is the blog I should have written yesterday but was just too wound up for!

We arrived right around 5:30 pm with the final mile count at 2436! Now you have to remember that a couple of those miles are driving from the highways to the hotels and back again, but only a couple. We figured out that we spent around $37 on tolls altogether which is a bummer but we forgot to bring the EZ-Pass along so there was no way around it.

On the final day of traveling we drove 473 miles and spent $55.65 on gas between the two times we stopped for it. Belami and Neve had another great day of driving! They slept the whole way and now they're settling into our temporary room in Mom and Dad's basement. They seem quite content- B is sleeping on the window ledge, perfect for a cat, and Neve is sleeping here next to me. There are lots of noises to keep them on their toes- mostly these noises come from the crazy Irish setters running around upstairs! So far Nellie, the Chihuahua, and Lacey, my parents' sweet Siamese kitty, have come in the room to say hello and I think we'll probably leave it at that for now. This is a lot for my little guys to take in and they really are doing swell!! We never did find Neve's collar so we'll make her a new tag at the shelter tomorrow morning.

I've begun the apartment hunt and I'm excited to see what the Portsmouth area has to offer! I think I've gotten past the fact that I really had THE perfect apartment and roommate in Park City and I'm trying not to compare the places I find to my previous digs on Three Kings. I saw a cute apartment today but it wasn't exactly what I'm looking for. Great location and they allow kitties but it's very small and while I'd have my own bathroom it was sort of down the hall from the rest of the unit and I think I'd have to walk by someone else's door to get to it. I didn't really explain that correctly but it just wasn't an ideal situation. There's another place I'll go look at on Friday so I'll keep everyone posted on the search for a great apartment!

I'm looking at one bedrooms/ studios currently. I really do like having a roommate but I don't want to end up in another roommate from hell situation like the one I found myself in when I first moved to Park City. I wouldn't have a problem moving in with someone I know or even someone that one of my friends knows but for now I'll stick to looking for places on my own.

Looking for an apartment is one of those things in life where you can't control any aspect of the components that go into it EXCEPT your own attitude so as long as I keep my chin up I know I'll find something great!

The weather is absolutely gorgeous right now! I want to make it to the beach in the next couple of days and enjoy the ocean, which I've missed! It looks like it's going to rain, but all day the sun has been shining and a slight breeze blowing. The temperature stayed in the seventies- perfect.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up Jared at Keene. I'm excited to see my baby brother and check out the area he's been calling home for the past couple of years! I've been to the KSC campus before when Meg and some other high school friends were attending, but it's been years. Since Jared started his freshman year a few weeks after I moved to Park City I've never been able to visit him there so I'm really happy to go pick him up!

On Friday I hope to make a trip to downtown Exeter for a Serendipity run and maybe grab some lunch at either Blue Moon, The Loaf and Ladle or The Green Bean! So many choices for delicious, fresh food!!! I had my first Dunkin Donuts ice coffee since last July and it was yummy and refreshing and inexpensive! Haha. Today I started reading for book group which I am so excited to rejoin this month!!

It's great to be home! Definitely feels a little weird but I'm excited to start this next chapter in my life! We are in control of our own happiness and I'm taking charge! I learned a lot in Park City and I feel stronger and smarter than I did before I took the leap and moved out West without knowing a single soul! I have lots of wonderful new friends to thank for making my 20 months in the mountains so wonderful! Never fear my Utahns- I'll be back for a visit before you know it!

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