Monday, July 5, 2010

State Street: Where it's at.

I bet you thought I'd be writing this from the new apartment but when I wrote last week that Monday would be my first night in the new place I forgot that the electricity wouldn't be hooked up. So now I'm thinking that Wednesday will be my first night over on State Street!

We got all moved in this morning thanks to my Dad, Jared, Adam and Adam's friend, Dan. I cannot believe how quickly the process was! I think the guys were in a hurry to finish up since it was so hot. I barely did a thing and before I knew it everything was moved in! They even helped Beth with her heavy items so we offered to buy them some of their favorite beer and cook them dinner once the place is all set up! They were cracking me up- I've never seen people make moving look so fun but Adam, Dan and Jared were laughing and making jokes the whole time! It was great, I don't know what I would have done without all the help!

It was so hot today which made the apartment pretty uncomfortable while I was trying to get things organized but it was best to just suck it up and get on with it! I got all of my kitchen stuff unloaded and pretty much everything for the bedroom. I'm already in love with my closet and technically it's a walk-in because I can actually walk into it and turn around and stuff! It was nice to just toss my shoes and clothes in there just to get them out of the way. I'm not sure if I like the way that I set of the bedroom because it feels like one side of the room is really crowded and the other is empty so I'll see how I'm feeling once everything is put away and there are no more boxes in the middle of the floor.

We're realizing all of the little things that are missing or need to be fixed in the apartment. The bathroom lacks a towel rack and toilet paper dispenser, my bedroom door doesn't latch when you shut it, where the carpet meets the tile needs some work as well. Right now there are raw edges and while they don't look nice, the real problem is that I've tripped on it a couple times already. Speaking of raw edges, the cabinets have quite a few and there is a large space behind the counter that holds the sink which absolutely has to be fixed before the kitties move in. If Neve gets back there I'm not sure we'll ever see her again... Word of advice for everyone: If you check out an apartment WHILE it's being renovated, you might want to consider telling the landlord you'd like to wait until it's completely done before you decide that you want to rent it.

That being said we LOVE the apartment and can't wait to be settled. Beth and I hit Target today and bought a few things we needed right away. We got a really great shower curtain which we already hung and it looks fabulous!! We high-fived after it was up, that's how great it looks! By the time we got back from our Target trip it was nearly 4:30 so Beth headed home but I stayed about an hour longer just to get my room under control. I threw my comforter on the bed and laid down for a minute but found myself about to fall asleep so I figured I should call it a day. Not only was I tired but the heat was making me extra sleepy! I've planted myself directly in front of a fan while I write this and I'm finally cooling off although I have to admit I probably don't smell great and I look like hell... but who cares? It was a productive day and I can't wait to have all the little things fixed in the apartment and be moved in soon!

I thought about taking some pictures today but there was stuff everywhere so I'll wait until we get cleaned up a bit more and once we have electricity I can turn on some lights!

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

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