Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quick As a Cricket

I'm as quick as a cricket,
I'm as slow as a snail,
I'm as small as an ant,
I'm as large as a whale.
I'm as sad as a basset,
I'm as happy as a lark,
I'm as nice as a bunny,
I'm as mean as a shark.
I'm as cold as a toad,
I'm as hot as a fox,
I'm as weak as a kitten,
I'm as strong as an ox.
I'm as loud as a lion,
I'm as quiet as a clam,
I'm as tough as a rhino,
I'm as gentle as a lamb.
I'm as brave as a tiger,
I'm as shy as a shrimp,
I'm as tame as a poodle,
I'm as wild as a chimp.
I'm as lazy as a lizard,
I'm as busy as a bee.

Put it all together,
and you've got ME!

This book, complete with some beautiful pictures, by Audrey Wood was my favorite as a child. Pick it up sometime or give it as a gift if you know any youngsters with a birthday coming up.

Is it any wonder I liked it? The protagonist is obviously a total schizophrenic who relates his (it was a boy in all the illustrations) various character traits to different kinds of animals!

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