Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Get reel.

Today I picked the films that Meg and I will see at Sundance! It was a little nerve racking as I did it online and some of the films and different show times we had picked out were no longer available. I really only had a half hour to do it because once you pick tickets for a specific showtime they are held in your shopping cart on the site for 31 minutes, but then you're scrambling around looking for 3rd, 4th, 5th choices when 1st and 2nd choices are sold out! I was prepared with back ups but apparently not enough! I finally committed to various show times and I'm relatively happy with the result! Actually I'm completely happy with the result except for one thing... all showings of The Runaways were sold out. That was our first choice film above all others but apparently we were not alone in that! That is the film about Joan Jett starring Kristin Stewart and Dakota Fanning. I know that K. Stew is super popular right now but I honestly didn't think she was as popular with the Sundance crowd- guess I was wrong! There is still a chance we could get into one of the screenings. They have a wait list where you go 2 hours ahead and give them your name and then come back 30 minutes before the film starts and see if you got a ticket. So we can try that!

Here are the films we'll be seeing, just click on the title and it will bring you to a little synopsis!

Teenage Paparazzo

Jack Goes Boating


The Freebie



There they are! I told Meg that it doesn't really matter what we see to a certain extent because Sundance is all about the experience and excitement as much as the films!

While we're on the subject of films, here is EW's list of the 25 Films You Should See Before Oscar Night. How many have you seen? I put a * next to the ones I've seen...

Up in the Air*
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds*
An Education
A Serious Man
The Messenger
Julie & Julia
A Single Man
Crazy Heart
The Blind Side*
The Last Station
Star Trek*
District 9*
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Lovely Bones
(500) Days of Summer*
It's Complicated
The Young Victoria
Bright Star*
The Informant!*

Looks like I have some movies to watch! I'll have to end this entry here because Neve is sleeping in my lap making typing really difficult. She's just so cute I can't make her move!

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