Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!

Merry merry happy wonderful Christmas to all!!!

I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday with friends and family! I had a great day! I went over to my friend Carole's house- well actually, her neighbors' house and played Rockband and Wii all morning with the kids. Then I picked up my friend Kandyce and we went to the movies! I had no idea how many people go to the movies on Christmas!!!! It was SO busy and the showing of Sherlock Holmes that we had planned to see was sold out. I was really looking forward to seeing that, but oh well, I can always go another time. We saw Up In the Air instead which was really good. The theater was PACKED! I seriously had no idea what a popular Christmas activity this is! The guy who sold us our tickets said that New Year's day is actually way busier. Huh, never knew.

I got everything I could have asked for from the 'rents! Fabulous new boots, a Southwest gift certificate, a new scarf and mittens, an awesome reusable bag with a cute kitty on it, a little jewelry box, Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Diet, some chocolaty goodies, and some toys and a scratching lounge chair for the kitties!! Plus there was a really neat lollipop with a jeweled handle from Adam in the package too! Everything arrived on Christmas Eve- what great timing!

Also waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday was a package from Beth with some beautiful note cards, an incredibly rad little vase and a great pair of earrings. Speaking of earrings... Pete, Kerry, Chris, Kevin and Sammy sent me a gorgeous pair of glass blown earrings and a matching necklace! I am going to be looking good thanks to all of you!!

There were plenty of holiday goodies exchanged at work too! I got some gift cards, a candle, some hot cocoa and a blanket! Kristi gave me the first four books in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which I can't wait to start! First I'll have to finish the book I'm currently reading, In the Woods, borrowed from Kristi- what would I do without her?

With gifts it really is the thought that counts and by that I just mean that gifts let you know that someone is thinking of you. I am so lucky to have such AMAZING family and friends, and even though I couldn't be with all of them today I felt good knowing that they all loved the gifts I gave them and that they gave me such wonderful gifts!

Here's one last little gift for everyone before I say goodbye to this Christmas: I received some Itunes gift cards and the first thing I downloaded is a CD called Lungs by Florence and the Machine. I haven't listened to the entire thing yet but so far I LOVE it. I read about this CD when Entertainment Weekly named it one of the best of 2009. I'm really drawn to female singers who are doing something new and different, and this is like nothing I've heard before. Check her out!

Florence and the Machine... Dog Days Are Over

Merry Christmas!

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